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Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez died, local time at 16:25 on the 5th. The paratroopers origin of the Latin American left-wing leaders re-elected in October last year, and now leave people grief. July 28, 1954, Chavez was born in a poor rural family of teachers in Sabaneta, Barinas, Venezuela ranked second in the six brothers. He has repeatedly said that although the family was poor, but they have a happy childhood. In 1971, 17-year-old Chavez seek to the United States to play baseball, but the coaches that go to military academies will help Discount Nike Shox shoes him become a sports star, and then enter the Military Academy of Venezuela Continuing. He was worldly passion for baseball, but has Fidel Castro and Che Guevara as the worship of idols. At age 20, Chavez dreamed revolution. In the thought of the Bolivarian revolution, Chavez in 1982 to create a "Bolivarian Revolution movement, advocates the establishment of the Bolivarian advocated the League of Latin American countries. In 1992, Chavez launched arrested and jailed for two years for the attempted military coup, when he was President Peres coup. After the 1994 special release, Chavez began to the public publicity Bolivarian revolutionary ideas advocated national independence, against the neo-liberal economic policies, and a revolutionary change in the country's political and social system. In 1997, Chavez establish political parties of the Fifth Republic Movement, and democratic election of the President of Venezuela. In 1998, Chavez formally announced his candidacy for Discount Wedding Dresses for Brials president, vowed to eliminate the political corruption of the two major political parties in Venezuela threatened to crack down on "predatory oligarchs" of the people, by the poverty recognition and support of the people. In December of the same year, Chavez received more than half of the votes to become the youngest president in the history of Venezuela, Venezuela, the old order falls apart from this, he turned 14 years of ruling mileage. Since he took office in 1999, Chavez launched a "Bolivarian Revolution" - a series of social programs to alleviate poverty and wealth inequality. He relies on oil export earnings to establish extensive social welfare system of the assets and the nationalization of enterprises in multiple industries, to distribute food subsidies, the construction of low-cost housing, free health care and education, and a series of farmer-friendly policy, Discount Nike Free Run Shoes the implementation of the "21st century society in Venezuela ism ", Venezuela unequal social conditions and a significant improvement in the rate of poverty and extreme poverty rate dropped significantly, and also won the strong support of the people of the middle and lower classes. This also illustrates Chavez in last year's third term election, why can still ten percentage points defeat their opponents. While Chavez deeply civilians in support of the middle and lower classes, but during the administration has not been easy. He constantly challenged, but 11 to survive. The 2002 military coup, asked him to step down,Cheap nike free running but Chavez resign 2 days later to regain the support of the military to restore the powers of the presidency. In 2004, the Venezuelan opposition party to launch a recall referendum, Chavez won the referendum, successfully re-elected president again in 2006. However, less than 2 months after the third re-elected in 2012, Chavez openly admitted that doctors found the body the cancer spread, so the anti-cancer crusader "in the December 11 went to Cuba the fourth time in 18 months the treatment of cancer surgery. That is, in the post-operative respiratory infection on the disease, until his death. Local time in March 2013 at 16-point 25, Chavez,Christian Louboutin Outlet died aged 58. Recalling the life of the leader of the Latin American left, the outside world to him posted many labels, such as "orator", "Robin Hood" and "anti-American fighters," socialists, "Bolivarian revolutionaries". Perhaps it is all of this label before laying the overall image of the distinctive Chavez politicians.

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