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U.S. Secretary of State Warren will be held on the afternoon of the 12th arrived in South Korea to start a tour of South Korea, China, Japan. Arrived in South Korea later, he will hold talks with South Korean Foreign Ministry Executive Yin Bingshi of. This is the new government foreign ministers of the two countries Following the talks held in Washington on April 2,nike free run +3 5.0 the second held talks are only separated by 10 days. Close consultation with the foreign ministers of the two countries in the talks on the situation on the Korean Peninsula. North Korea is likely to launch missiles in the near future, Kerry will be published towards the message. Before the talks, North Korea did not initiate further provocation, Kerry has warned North Korea not to launch aggressive,Christian Louboutin Outlet and stressed dialogue window is always open. Kerry Washington talks at a joint press conference once said that as long as North Korea interrupt provocation, to seriously engage in dialogue, the United States intends to restart the dialogue and negotiations with the DPRK. However, if North Korea test-fired missiles, Kerry is very likely to strongly condemn North Korea, and said they would strengthen South Korea's defense posture. It is predicted that the two foreign ministers will discuss how to stabilize the management of the situation on the Korean Peninsula after the end of the North Korean threat situation, how to convert Council. In addition, they will also issue of the Korea-US Atomic Energy Agreement, the Korea-US summit talks issues for consultations. The talks are expected to be carried out for an hour, and then the two media at home and abroad will hold a joint press conference. South Korean Foreign Ministry spokesman Discount Nike Free Run 2 Zhaotai Yong said at a regular press conference the same day, the main topic of the ROK-US Foreign Ministers' talks are expected to include the issues to be resolved between the two countries, the related issues on the Korean Peninsula, as well as how to prevent and respond to the North Korean threat. Before Foreign Minister talks, Christopher non-publicly accessible USFK base, condolences and encouraged USFK officers and men. He will also attend the meeting of the General Assembly, held in Seoul in Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry to deliver a speech on the Korea-US economic cooperation and other issues. It is reported that he will also meet with South Korean President Park Geun-hye. The end of the visit to Korea, Kerry will leave for China on the 13th. South Korean government officials said military monitoring indications that North Korea repeated Musudan Cheap Air Jordan fusion "intermediate-range ballistic missiles out of the magazine back in again, seems intent on interfering with the Korea-US monitoring network, increasing the monitoring personnel fatigue. In addition, the KCNA reported on the 11th, the peaceful reunification of Korea Committee secretary of the Bureau said in a statement said that a powerful means of attack of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Korea in the transmitter standby state. â–¡ dynamic The suspected DPRK launch vehicle going around in circles Yonhap news agency quoted senior government officials then reported that intelligence analysis shows that North Korea repeated two Musudan "medium-range ballistic missile out of the magazine do launch-like, then the missile back to the position closing. In addition, four or five vehicles suspected mobile missile launchers near South Hamgyong, North Korea, "going around in circles around". "There are indications tiffany outlet online that North Korea may at any one time shortly after launch 'the Musudan' missiles," an unnamed intelligence officer said, "But North Korea has repeatedly let the missiles out of the warehouse to return to positions (when launch) the need for close monitoring. "

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A visit to Russia, Syrian Information Minister Omran · Zu Abi, 27, said Britain and the United States accused the Syrian government might use chemical weapons saying "shameless lies". Zu Abi day in an interview with Russia Today television interview, said: "The possible use of chemical weapons by the U.S. Discount Nike Shox shoes State Department and the British government made by the Syrian government statement inconsistent with the facts, is nonsense." Zu Abi said he would like to stress once again that the Syrian government will not be utilized chemical weapons in the conflict, not only for compliance with international law and the rules of war considerations, but out of humanitarian and moral considerations. U.S. government said the intelligence Discount Wedding Dresses for Brials system finds that the Syrian government forces in combat with the armed opposition may be "small-scale" use of chemical weapons, including sarin agents, but still need more evidence to final confirmation. The United Kingdom and Israel have accused the Syrian government in the use of chemical weapons in the battle with the opposition. United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon called on the Syrian government to allow UN inspection team into Syria to investigate whether or not to use chemical weapons in Syria's domestic conflict. Zu Abi said in an interview, considered from a political point of view, the Syrian government "can not trust the Discount Nike Free Run Shoes UN investigators from the Anglo-American doubts about their qualifications and objectives of the survey. He said the Syrian government to Welcome from Russia investigators believe that their qualifications and ability sufficient to establish the truth.  Bangladeshi police confirmed the outskirts of Dhaka, capital of Bangladesh Sarwar town building collapsed in the 24th accident has caused the death of 352 people, more than 2,500 people were injured. This is the most serious in the history of Bangladesh building collapse accident. Alam Khan, local police officials told Xinhua News Agency reporters, rescue workers rescued 29 survivors of the day of, I believe there will be more alive. Police also announced on the 27th a 761 people missing list. The list comes from the information provided in the relatives of the collapsed Rana Mall building work. Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina,Cheap nike free running summoned the leaders of Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association and Hosiery Manufacturers and Exporters Association, said on the evening of 26, Rana Mall garment factory owners and building factory owners do not surrender the government would take drastic measures. In addition, the Bangladesh garment factory workers protest in Dhaka on the 26th of this building collapse accident. According to local media reports, thousands of garment workers in Dhaka multiple blocks smashed more than 100 vehicles passing cars; two garment factories in the northern suburbs of Dhaka Gazipur town, was burned by the workers. In view of this, the Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association announced that all garment factory closed in 27 and 28 days. 24 at 9:00 pm local time, Sarwar town a named Rana Mall eight-story commercial building collapsed. Building with hundreds of shops, garment factory and a bank. The authorities have not yet Discount Nike Free Run 2 announced the building collapsed reasons. According to local media disclosed, the building was built in 2006, was that only approved to build a four-story, but the owners from 2008 to 2012, illegal construction of the fifth floor to the eighth floor, and these layers are not load-bearing walls. According to reports, the building for 23 cracks are being asked to stop using prohibited personnel access, factory owners ignore the provisions of the garment factory, still require workers continue to work. (

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