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Whether to join the Trans-Pacific Strategic Economic Partnership Agreement "(TPP) negotiations in Japan, is the biggest problem in Japan-US relations. Obama advocates the world's third largest economy, Japan's participation is essential, but also more firmly opposed Japan's ruling party. As pointed out by Cheap nike free running some of the Liberal Democratic Party's cadres: "than Noda reign on whether to join the negotiations produced a disagreement Democratic Party, my party's internal opposition is tougher." Because this summer we should hold a Senate election, the Japanese government-related are concerned, "If you make the wrong cope bound to the Abe government dealt a blow". Abe in the Senate Budget Committee on the 19th of this month on whether to join the TPP negotiations said the statement, "I will serve as representatives of safeguarding national interests to deal with, will make every effort to ensure that the national interest." In the United States in the eyes, however, Japan agreed to participate in TPP The negotiations are the most important, so the two sides are bound to have a battle, when Abe can hold the bottom line, it is worth the wait. Stalled the relocation of the Futenma Air Station is also difficult to make progress in the short term. Futenma base relocation agreement has been signed in 1996, Discount Nike Free Run Shoes Japan and the United States for a long time overdue, in 2009 when he was Prime Minister Hatoyama discipline Mufti out you want to base relocation to Okinawa Prefecture, incurred want to relocate in the county of angry Day US relations thus into the trough. Naoto Kan and Noda regime back to the county relocation of the old road, but there has been no progress. To move to name retaining the current program of the City side of the ancient wild landfill has obtained the permission of Okinawa Prefecture Governor. Former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said on the relocation of the "early progress" look forward to, a lot of people within the U.S. government that "focuses on effectively advancing. But the current situation advocated County relocation outside Okinawa Prefecture, Chung wells Shinko multi hopeless agree landfill program. The next day US summit, the Futenma base issue, Discount Wedding Dresses for Brials I am afraid that Abe can not let Obama satisfied. Abe intends to Diaoyu Islands to seek American support for the United States or from the abacus According to Kyodo News agency reported, Shinzo Abe, in the meeting held by the Liberal Democratic Party headquarters on the 16th will be the issue of talks with U.S. President Barack Obama has said, "Through this round of talks has been restored to the Asian countries to demonstrate the close relationship of the Japan-US alliance is conducive to defend Japanese territory or territorial waters, be sure to make the talks successful. "Kyodo News analysis said Abe or taking into account around the Diaoyu Islands issue into a tense Sino-Japanese relations made the statement. Reported that another Japanese media quoted a number of Discount Nike Shox shoes sources of Abe how to deal with China's position one of the primary topics. He hoped that the lifting of the ban on collective self-defense in the Japan-US summit, Obama affirmed expand Japan-US common range of military operations, thus demonstrating the Japan-US alliance firmly to strengthen China inhibition force.

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According to Agence France-Presse reported on February 23, Iran's Supreme National Security Council Secretary Saeed Jalili (Saeed Jalili) 23,Discount Nike Shox shoes told reporters that Iran has always abide by the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty obligations, will defend and fight for their own entitlements nuclearrights. Reported that Jalili made ​​the remarks for the Iranian nuclear issue and the six-party talks will be held in Almaty, Kazakhstan, on February 26. He said that Iran has always adhere to the "Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, and so far there is no violation of the provisions of the International Atomic Energy Agency, is not seeking to develop nuclear weapons, but Iran will defend their legitimate nuclear rights and will not be Discount Wedding Dresses for Brials subject to any sanctions abandon that right. The report mentioned that the United Nations Atomic Energy Regulatory agencies and Iran negotiations have been deadlocked for about a decade. Tehran rejected a series of demands of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), and claims to have adhered to the obligations under the NPT. U.S. President Barack Obama may be hired Caroline Kennedy, daughter of former President John F. Kennedy as the new Discount Nike Free Run Shoes ambassador to Japan, has taken over from the outgoing ambassador to return Andrews. The 55-year-old Caroline is the best one of the Kennedy family image, the Americans called "the national treasure. After the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, Caroline's mother, Jacqueline married Greek shipping tycoon Onassis. Caroline did not escape the hostile public mother remarried. Her and her mother to the world and photographers are tracking object. Caroline graduated from Reed Cliff High School for Girls, first, do a while scribe, then working in the museum. She completed studies at Harvard in 1980. Caroline, although expensive for the former president's daughter, but has always been Unassuming. Now she is the mother of three children. Caroline is Obama's second presidential campaign,Cheap nike free running a staunch supporter. Her some support speech help Obama Mara to a lot of votes. Bloomberg news that President Obama has decided how Caroline succeed Andrews served as ambassador to Japan, to the Congress in the near future, and will fulfill the appointment procedures.